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Philosophizing on the causes of Heartbreak

W2R Question: Does our personal expectations of others result in heartbreak or is their action/inaction simply the cause of our heartbreak?

My theory: I believe that the real cause of heartbreak lies not in the result our expectations but the result of actions taken (or not). The behavior is what stimulates actions, and is also the root cause of heartache (or happiness)--not expectations.

Expectations carries a strong belief that mindfulness, respect, and reciprocity are given freely to all, and is returned to all as a sign of humanities essential right and need for shared compassion. And when this reality differs, pain is not the result of being illusioned by personal expectations,rather another's behavior is--for it intentionally directs and dictates the experience of happiness or heartache.

W2R Theory Concludes: Behavior (actions) are the result of heartache and happiness not expectations.


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